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Bethan Cartwright
Leadership and Performance Coach
Cymhellwr Arweinyddiaeth a Pherfformiad
Customer Testimonials
One to One Coaching:
“Bethan is particularly skilled in asking challenging questions in a way that does not create tension or anxiety within the sessions. Her kindness and ability to make me feel as though she is 'walking with me' rather than dragging me to an outcome has been the perfect approach, and has allowed me to explore my performance and reactions to scenarios in a more safe and comfortable way. This has meant that I have really got to grips with the underlying issues and causes of some of my blocks and recognised some quite profound and deep personal traits which will allow me to develop as a better leader.”
“Bethan’s coaching sessions provide me with time to think and a safe space to plan and strategize. Her appropriate and clever questioning allows me to focus on what needs to be done. I now have a clear plan on how to move forward in several areas of my work. Although professional, the sessions were relaxed and informal in nature, having a positive impact on my wellbeing. I felt refreshed and positive after each session.”
“Bethan’s coaching style is very much client focused that makes you feel psychologically safe due to an established environment of warmth and social engagement in coach/coachee interactions. The sessions have given me the safe base to reflect on difficult matters and her questioning techniques and at times challenging scenarios have made me more self-aware. This has also resulted in increased self-belief and inner confidence. I feel more in control with regards to my workload and most importantly the quality of what I can produce. This will also help me manage stress triggers.”
Supervision of Coaching:
“My supervision sessions with Bethan have been invaluable. I’ve found supervision to be so much more powerful than individual, personal research and reflection and I have come to realise how essential supervision is to support my development as a coach. The supervision sessions have extended my knowledge of coaching theory and my understanding of many coaching models. The sessions were an opportunity to consider and pinpoint coaching processes and interventions. I’ve honed my questioning and listening skills through the reflective aspects of supervision, but also by emulating and learning from my supervisor and her experiences. The sessions were always positive, and I felt comfortable and supported during each session, especially in terms of emotional impact from coaching and the sessions have all provided me with restorative support. I trust my supervisor implicitly and, therefore, I was able to be totally honest in our sessions which was important.”
“The supervision sessions that I have undertaken with Bethan have been integral to my coaching practice and in moving forward with my coaching career. Bethan is a powerful listener and responsive in her supervisory style so that every session was perfectly tailored to support me and to optimise the time we had. Bethan was particularly effective in facilitating reflection, and structuring our sessions so that there was an opportunity to reflect and build on what we had discussed. Our coaching sessions were also very developmental and Bethan was generous in sharing with me her learning through her own experiences to further extend my knowledge and understanding. I feel enormously grateful to have had the opportunity to be supervised by Bethan.”
“The coaching supervision really helped me to take a step back and assess my own practice. The sessions allowed me to gain a different perspective on where to take my own coaching sessions and each session became an opportunity to reassess my practice, almost a restorative process but at the end of each session I had a renewed confidence in my professional practice. I felt completely at ease during the coaching sessions and I trusted my supervisor completely. It has had a very positive impact on my own practice not just as a coach but also in my wider leadership roles. Each session was summarised well, I had clearly been listened to which meant the feedback had integrity and as a result quickly established such a positive relationship.”
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